Kitchen Products

Expressware Infusion Cooking System

T-Fal Infusion cooking system cookware. Florence Henderson, Robin Mattson
10 payments of $39.95 equals $399.50 plus S&H.
800-577-8303; C/S 800-933-4155; T-Fal Expressware, 6969 Eastgate Bl., Lebanon, TN 37090

IMS – Infomercial Monitoring Service


Infomercial Monitoring Service is the most accurate and authoritative resource for information on the Direct Response Television industry. Our experience, database and programming library are unsurpassed. Join the thousands of major marketers, producers, media buyers and ad agencies who look to IMS for the big picture of Direct Response Television …and never let it be said you didn’t have all the information.


To get more information,

find out about various plans, pricing and how to sign up, go back to the Resource Page, then check the “Send Info” box on that page, fill out the form at the bottom and click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.
PLEASE NOTE: clicking on the above link will erase any information you have previously entered on the Resource Page. Alternatively, using your browser’s “BACK” button should retain any information entered.

As the Direct Response industry grows, so does the value of timely, accurate information. Success depends on understanding and capitalizing on developments in this complex, dynamic marketplace. How can you keep up with the art and science of the industry?

Only Infomercial Monitoring Service gives you the big picture of Direct Response television and keeps track of the smallest details. We watch and report on every minute of national cable paid programming, and provide timely, authoritative data on direct response advertising. Our easy-to-scan grids and new show breakouts let you analyze and readily observe trends, track competitive strategies and explore individual product offers.


IMS monitors and documents more than 10,000 hours of programming every month. This enables us to provide the verifiable data and objective interpretation you need to confidently make decisions, in a format you can quickly understand and easily use. Our reports come to you weekly or monthly, but IMS support is here for you every day. We’re on call to provide you with daily show verification, custom reports or tapes from our library of thousands of informercials and spots.

Our clients have access to dedicated consulting and technical services, from legal and media planning through production and marketing.


IMS Report grids provide the hard numbers on what programs aired, where and when. Our weekly Top 25 and monthly Top 100 rankings show the relative saturation achieved by paid programming, based on frequency and the IMS media index. We also list new short form spots and a sampling of the most frequently seen spots of the week. All of this is made possible through our comprehensive database containing over 350,000 airings detected from national cable television. Beyond numbers, IMS professionals provide detailed reviews of every new show or spot monitored so you learn instantly what your competitors are doing, and how well.

Look to IMS for the Big Picture.



    • Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual and Annual
      …AND MORE

    • World’s Largest Infomercial Video Library
    • Specialized Research
    • Test Market Monitoring
    • Competitive Tracking
    • Market Trends
    • Product Category
    • Product Summaries
    • Comprehensive DRTV Database

    • Show review and analysis
    • Re-edit existing footage
    • Re-shoot footage/testimonials
    • Reconstruct sposts; offer enhancement and stand alone format
    • Customizing for foreign use

    • Production
    • Marketing
    • Legal
    • Media Planning


is part of the weekly IMS Report. It is a ranking of infomercial activity by two separate and distinct means. The Frequency Ranking uses the number of detections monitored each week and reflected in the IMS Grids to determine the rank of each infomercial. The Indexed Media Ranking uses a total of gross media
for each of the monitored detections to determine the rank of each infomercial.

refers to the IMS National Cable Distribution – Frequency. It is a matrix showing the number of monitored detections for each of the top 25 infomercials by national cable network.

refers to the IMS National Cable Distribution – Media. It is a matrix showing a total of the gross media rates of monitored detections
for each of the top 25 infomercials by national cable network.

IMS Grids 
provide the detailed data for the ranking of all infomercials monitored. A simple tabulation of detections provides the frequency ranking and by totaling the gross media rates for each of the infomercials the media ranking is derived.  By shading the infomercial detections, the IMS Grids provide an “at-a-glance” picture of the relative saturation of paid programming.

IMS New Show Breakout 
is a detailed description of each new show detected for the week. A New Show is shown in the Grids with a double border for easy identification. Included is the product name, show title, host, price point, offer and marketer as well as other pertinent information.

IMS Spot Sampling 
shows the top 50 detected short form direct response spots monitored by IMS. The list is provided in alphabetical order showing the product name, marketing company, length, price point and category.

IMS New Spots for the Week 
provides a list of all newly detected short form direct response spots.  The list provides the product name, marketing company, a brief product description, length, price, shipping and handling charges, 800 or 900 phone number and category.

IMS Monthly Top 100s 
are the ranking of infomercials by frequency of detections and gross media rates for each month.


To get more information,

find out about various plans, pricing and how to sign up, go back to the Resource Page, then check the “Send Info” box on that page, fill out the form at the bottom and click the “SUBMIT REQUEST” button.
PLEASE NOTE: clicking on the above link will erase any information you have previously entered on the Resource Page. Alternatively, using your browser’s “BACK” button should retain any information entered.
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