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Tony Robbins Personal Power II, The Driving Force
To order please fill out the form below and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.
Tony Robbins Personal Power II is $179.85 (U.S. funds) for CASSETTES plus $13.95 shipping and handling totaling $193.80, or $209.85 (U.S. funds) for CD’s plus $13.95 shipping and handling totaling $223.80, for each package ordered.
For orders outside the U.S. and Canada please order by phone at 1-800-721-1600 to check for current destination availability. We are UNABLE to process online orders outside the U.S. and Canada at this time.
- CASSETTES – 1 payment of $179.85 plus shipping & handling.
- CASSETTES – 3 monthly payments of $59.95 plus shipping & handling.
This 3 monthly installment option is only available with credit card orders.
- CD’s – 1 payment of $209.85 plus shipping & handling.
- CD’s – 3 monthly payments of $69.95 plus shipping & handling.
This 3 monthly installment option is only available with credit card orders.
Shipping & handling and applicable taxes will be included with the first payment. All prices are U.S. funds.